PAL has partnered with Hendrick Boards! Items purchased through the PAL Hendrick Boards link raises money for PAL! Hendrick Boards is a truly wonderful organization with a terrific story about how they became so philanthropic! Please visit the PAL link by clicking on the image above.
PAL has partnered with LaCroix Tees! For every T-shirt ordered, PAL will receive a $5 donation! What a terrific way to support PAL and spread the animal rescue message! Check out our LaCroix Tees page at
The Pet Assistance League (PAL) of Virginia
BarkBox has made contributing to Shelters and Rescues an ongoing opportunity now! When you place a new Barkbox order using PAL's BarkBox code, you'll get $5 off your order, and PAL will receive a $15 donation! Just go to the PAL BarkBox page by clicking on the image above.